
International Sports Studies

Vol 39 No. 1 (2017)

Journal of the International Society for
Comparative Physical Education and Sport
64 pages, year of publication: 2017
price: 19.00 €


Physical education in Taiwan: when students begin to take control

John Sproule, Ching-Ping Lin, Russell Martindale & Kevin Morgan

Developing and implementing an output-based PE curriculum for secondary schools - the Luxembourg model

Claude Schumacher

Predictors of physical activity for female students of teacher education for primary schools in Indonesia

Dinar Dinangsit, Adang Suherman, Yudi Hendrayana & Amung Ma'mun

A prediction model for valuing players in the Premier Football League of Iran

Mohammad Keshtidar, Mahdi Talebpour, Shahram Abdi & Mostafa Zangi Abadi

  • Sports Studies
  • ISS
  • Physical Education
  • School Sport


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